Jessenhofke Tripel – 8% Alc. Vol.

tripel bier

Don’t drink too much, but do drink regularly

Our triple was our first step into the brewing world and was chosen as best amateur brew of Limburg in 2002. This beer has a harmonic taste- and smellsensation where a dry mouthsensation, bitterness, herbiness as sweetness are in balance.


Water, malt*, wheat*, hop challenger*, goldings*, pilgrims*, unrefined cane sugar*, herbs*, top fermenting yeast, refermentation on bottle and nothing else.

All used Belgian biological hop’s are produced by Joris Cambie from Poperinge.

* from certified organic origin.

Storage conditions

Store upright, cool and in a dark place.

Pouring conditions

In a Jessenhofkeglass, ideal between 8° & 11° C.